Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Things We Miss In Fullerton

By Allen Bacon, Daily Bosco and Friends

A few months back another landmark building in Fullerton...the Boys Club building on Commonwealth across from the library, took the wrecking ball. A bigger and better Community Center will go in it's place.

When a building like the old Boys Club building goes away, it's not so much the building itself but the many memories and the memories of the people that structure represents. So it got me to thinking about all the cool things that used to be in our city or close to our city that are no longer here. Like A&W Rootbeer (the drive-thru) or the Giant Slide or the Fox Theater or the old slot car racing track on Euclid. I decided to open the conversation up to my friends...former and longtime Fullerton residents.

The following is a fun walk down memory lane for many longtime Fullerton residents.

It was kind of sad ...I was down by the Fullerton Library/Amerige Park a few months back and noticed that they had demolished the old Boys Club Building on Commonwealth (Next to the Catholic Church). I know that building housed a lot of great memories for many of us. So I got to thinking. What are some of the things, places and activities that you miss that are no longer around? - Bosco Editor

The Player Piano at Polly's Pies. The Big Slide on Orangethorpe (This was that huge slide where you would get a gunny sack and slide down) between Lemon and Harbor. The Slot Car track on Euclid (between Chapman and Commonwealth) used to race cars there.
Billy Barty's and Meadowlark roller skating. - Bosco Editor

Are they replacing the building or is it just being torn down? - Jeff Vinion

The whole site is being reconfigured--There will be a new Community Center that will house all ages. - Pam Keller

Robinson's at the Anaheim Plaza, Bullock's at Fashion Square La Habra and Steel's Cafe on Harbor, downtown. - Debbie Curtis Bolda

I miss Roller Village- Pam Keller

I spent many hours at the Boys Club playing "War Ball." Also sanding and polishing bits of plastic to look like jewelry in the shop. Glad to still have all my digits... - William Maple

Imperial Golf Course. I learned to play golf early with my Dad, and we played there a LOT! Also, Big Tee Golf Center in Buena Park. That is where he took me for golf lessons all through my teen years...every Wednesday evening, and every Saturday afternoon. Once I had kids, I realized that my Dad was not just trying to make a golfer out of me, but he was trying to make a MAN out of me by spending so much time with me! Those places are etched in my heart! - Ed Hart

It is almost tragic when something like the Boys' Club gets torn down. At least, they are replacing it at a nearby location. When something is not rebuilt at all it is as if a piece of our childhood dies with it. Aww! My brothers were cared for and nurtured there by a wonderful man named Pete! It was a great place to stay out of trouble especially without a male role model at home. I do have fond memories of skating at Roller Village too, although it broke my young heart to never be asked by a boy to couple's skate. Also, I believe it was Woolworth's or TG&Y at the Orangefair Mall that had a soda fountain counter that I used to love going to with a friend of mine that I have known since Kindergarten. We are still faraway friends! - R. Adriana Aceves Storkersen

Dang, I was going to go and make Angelique a cool "pipe ring" or a laminated acrylic heart. Learned so much there, bummer. Thanks AB. - Chris Lynch

Amerige Park used to have a little zoo when I was a kid. And an organ grinder with a monkey. Then on the other side of St. Mary's Church was an ice cream shop. I don't know if I should read anything into this but they keep getting rid of my old schools. Wilshire Jr. High is gone, the remaining buildings relegated to adult education. And in some weird irony they bulldozed Ford Elementary School and put a retirement home there. I hope that isn't some sort of message or something. - Rick Miranda

It's gone? How sad..the one by St. Mary's? I remember the ice cream shop, from way back. I haven't been to Fullerton for almost twelve years now..maybe I need to go back. I miss the orange groves...the smell of orange blossoms in the morning.- Cherie Crettol

I miss Rocky Laipis and making plastic things and having the freedom of riding my bicycle. Allen, why do your posts always make me cry, wow, I am drowning in tears. I miss my dad who was runover on that crosswalk between the library and the boys club. Watching american legions games with my dad at amerige park and eating chili dogs bought from the back stand, and watching the freight trains go by from the bleachers - John Grumet

Pup and Taco on Lemon and Commomwealth! Also the A&W on Orangethrope and Lemon. I was a carhop there back in the '70's! Boy, I sure can go for a frosted mug of rootbeer right now. YYYUUUUMMMMMMM! - Vickie Lower

Taking the bus to Laguna Lake day camp from the Boy's Club. Does anyone remember the owner from and A&W...Patsy and her husband. Excellent food fights when I worked there, better than John Belushi in Animal House - John Grumet

Pup & taco..too funny. My first job was there. - Bill Dennis

Not sure if you would remember the soda shop across from Wilshire Jr High on corner of Chapman and Lemon. I was so excited to go to Junior High until the soda shop came down before I ever got there. The day I was married driving away from the United Methodist Church up Lemon and watching them bulldose the last orange grove down. - Gail Hybl

Loved to hit the "Music Box" for new albums or 8 track. It was in the strip mall over on Commonwealth/Brookhurst. - Bill Dennis

Pete Liapis taught me, and countless others, how to play basketball in that very gym. Shirts and skins leagues only until we were clothed in the 6th grade. My home away from home. Tons of memories and friendships (and trophies!) came out of that place. I guess when you are our age, you start to outlive buildings.... - Jeff Weber

Hunts libary and tennis courts. - Bill Dennis

The Music Box was at Brookhurst and Orangethorpe. I spent so much time in that store. I also remember The Creamery next to St Mary's. We would go up there after dinner on Sat nights when I was was really young. Debbie Curtis Bolda

Yep, thanks for the location correction Debbie. For summer we would spend hours at the Fullerton mini bike park behind St Judes. I think homes are there now. - Bill Dennis.

I miss Farrel's Ice Cream on St. College/Chapman. - Sharon Quirk-Silva

What do you miss about Fullerton? We welcome your comments. Post to the blog portion of our magazine. - The Editor

1 comment:

  1. And some lost stores - The White Front, Gemco and the Pillowry on Harbor whare dad always took me to get mom jewelry. Brookdale Ice Cream (I think it was) next to Alpha Beta on Raymond at Chapman where we'd get candy after a tough day in elementary school. Rick Shean
