Friday, October 7, 2011

A Jekyl and Hyde Type of Play

Chemical Imbalance
Cal State Fullerton
Young Theater
Opens Tonight Fri. Oct. 7; 8 PM
Written by Lauren Wilson

If, instead of writing The Importance of Being Ernest, Oscar Wilde had created and staged Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the result might well be Chemical Imbalance – currently being performed at Cal State Fullerton's Young Theater

Both plays are drawing-room comedies peopled with larger-than-life dowagers. Both feature flighty young damsels seeking husbands and frivolous, facetious relatives and underlings who act as foils to the hero. Both offer outrageous plots, broad acting, and delicious timing.

Where Wilde’s play is original, Lauren Wilson’s Chemical Imbalance is a clever, highly comic spoof of Robert Louis Stevenson’s quite serious work on the dual nature of man – the good vs. the evil. And if the story of one split personality is insufficient, playwright Wilson adds identical 10-year-old, twins– demonic Penelope vs. angelic Calliope. They not only parallel the Jekyll/Hyde situation, but are integral to the story because a drop of their blood is needed to provide an essential ingredient for the evil venom and its potential antidote.

The basic plot is so familiar that it whets the audience’s appetite to see just how key elements will be handled. When will the potion be introduced and – most important – what will happen on stage when good Dr J. drinks it and turns into the evil Hyde? Kudos to Tom Wahl who makes the change with spasmodic gestures and convoluted expressions that more than fulfill the audience’s expectations as the transitions become more frequent.

The most hilarious scenes take place when opposing actions happen on stage. A dinner party occurs on two levels – with those dining, and those scooting under the table to exchange information. When Jekyll’s potential fiancĂ© Miss Rosamunda Dewthistle blithely rhapsodizes about her hopes and dreams, she is oblivious to the chaotic violence occurring directly behind her and to the potential danger to her own life.

The entire fast-paced evening is a total romp – great for those who enjoy farce. However, the broad, slapstick comedy will not appeal to everyone. It is quite probable that Robert Louis Stevenson would turn over in his grave.

Synopsis by Beverly Friend
Ms. Friend is a writer for Chicago Critic

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