Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chevron Should Just Do The Right Thing

By Allen Bacon, The Daily Bosco

Do you know what I am thinking about on the morning of the historic public discussion and vote on what is going to happen to Coyote Hills in Fullerton?

I am thinking about that television ad campaign by Chevron in the 80's. Do you remember the one I am talking about?

Zoom in on an adorable Bear quietly snoring and sleeping with it's cute little cubs as snow lightly falls. The voice over: Would a Company really drill for oil in the dead of winter in North Dakota so that the Grizzlie Bear can sleep through the coldest part of the year....People Do...Chevron.

Why can't the good people of Fullerton get THAT Chevron Oil Company? You know...the warm and fuzzy Chevron. The one with the cute talking cars and the cuddly and fuzzy snoring Grizzlie Bears?

Why do we get the Chevron that wants to sue the city for millions if they don't get what they want and is behaving more like their greedy predecessor, the Standard Oil Company who single-handedly, among other things, along with a tire company dismantled one of the best public transportation systems in the country in the interests of selling more gas, oil, and tires.

We don't need more homes and shopping centers in Fullerton....We can't even fill the houses and stores we have now. If there was one thing that most of the citizens of Fullerton wanted, it was a wide open space to enjoy.

I get it. I'm a home and land owner. I would be upset too if somebody told me I couldn't do what I wanted to do with my land. But, I also haven't extracted millions of dollars worth of crude oil off my property over the past 100 years either.

Just because something is ok and it may be within your lawful right to turn most of Coyote Hills into rows and rows of cookie cutter homes and shopping centers Chevron, doesn't mean it is the right thing to do.

Why can't Chevron just sell the land to the OCTA so the folks in this area can enjoy the last open space in Orange County? Why can't they form a partnership with a group interested in the Quality of Life and keep the land open? Just think, Chevron, if you do that, think of all of the goodwill that will be generated for your company. Maybe you can produce another "Grizzlie Bear...People Do" type commercial.

I divert a little from a lot of people who want absolutely no development on the Coyote Hills property. I would welcome a partnership with Chevron. I don't care if you call it the Chevron Coyote Hills Natural Conservatory. I wouldn't even mind putting a Museum on one end of the land that talks about the impact of oil in the region and charge Five Bucks a head because like it or not, oil is a big part of our history. Maybe a new outdoor ampitheater for concerts and live theater against the natural setting of the Coyote Hills on the very edge of the open space. I wouldn't even mind care if you call it the Chevron Coyote Hills Ampitheater.

The majority of folks in this town want a wide open space to hike and enjoy and share. Is that too much to ask after Chevron has made millions and millions off the property over the years? We're not asking for Chevron to lose money on the deal...just listen and work with the majority of the folks that live here and do the right thing. And the majority wants a wide open space where Chevron used to drill for oil.

And one more thing, Chevron....why was it ok to keep the land open for over a hundred years with no development while you took crude oil out of the property. Where was the desire then to turn one of the last precious open spaces in the county into more urban sprawl?

No matter what your personal position on this matter is...be sure to be there tonight at the City Council meeting and let your opinion be heard. 6:30 PM. City Hall. Be There.

This is one of those important moments in our town's history.

1 comment:

  1. Fullerton could really use a nice space like that.
    I regularly enjoy Runyon cyn, Fryman cyn, etc. in LA. If LA can put aside land, so should Fullerton.
    Thanks for informing, Allen.
